Freedom and Pioneers go together right? Maybe I'm trying too hard to make myself feel better about how far behind I am! Anyhow, here are some pictures from the 4th of July. We didn't do much, which is right down our alley. Saturday morning Bry flew in from his annual fishing trip to Alaska and we went straight home and took a family nap because everyone was tired! Then we just chilled at the house all day, no stress, nowhere we had to be...that's a good day! Cade doesn't do well around loud noises so we decided to skip the fireworks, and make some of our I'll leave it at that. Sunday we went to Grandma Sargents house to celebrate her birthday and america's birthday while we were at it! Thanks to Uncle Brian and his rockin photography skills we were able to get these photos. Then we headed over to my parents house and had another yummy BBQ (I love summertime). My dad doesn't enjoy the festivities that come with the 4th of July (never has) but my mom does so she bought this HUGE box of firecrackers for all the grandkids. It was fun and the kids had a blast! Cade stayed nice and close to dad because he wasn't to sure about all the noise. Its so nice to have both of our families around so we can celebrate and have fun with them! I do want to say this year I don't know why but I did think about how grateful and blessed I am to live in this country. I had to play the organ in church sunday the 4th and I felt a bit of pressure to make some people proud. I don't know who they were, maybe the veterans in our ward, maybe our Bishop because he gets so emotional about patriotism and that touches me, maybe some who have passed, but I tried to produce the right kind of spirit and I felt good about it. I really thought about what it took to make my freedoms available and I am so grateful for those who have gone before and allowed me to enjoy MANY things! God Bless America!
April 2014 Jace is 21 months and is so much fun! Bryan calls him honey badger because he is the sweetest little guy....until you cross him and then you might want to watch out! He's obsessed with SHOES and his blankets. He sucks on everything he eats and lately plays with his ear while he sucks on his food. He is a stingy little guy with kisses and hugs. He thinks he's hilarious when he says no....and switches it up to no way sometimes. When he wakes up in the morning he is literally jumping in his bed for us to come get him. He LOVES his brother Cade and tries to do most everything he does. He also loves our animals (horses, namely buckles, Jack, and the sheep). Is a good little singer and is particular about what song he wants to sing...."no bus, no twink, no God......twink...twink..." He's just a cutie and is figuring out his own little personality and is so much fun!
Handsome Fella
Cute Cade Moments
Cade is definitly an independent 2 year old. One of my favorite things he's doing lately is: "I dotta doe....". If he gets in trouble or doesn't want to do something (change diaper) he will say in a scruffy little voice: "I dotta doe see hayden" or "I dotta doe beed oweeo" or "I dotta doe in tuck". It is so funny because he puts his little head down too and looks at me out of the top of his eyelids. He's a character and it's so much fun!
Honestly....I love Bryan SO much! Sometimes I can't handle it!
Life is GOOD! Going on 7 wonderful years of being married to the man of my dreams! And our little boy just turned 1 and is doing AMAZING! I love my little family and am grateful for my blessings!
July 2011
So, long story short I was gone for 3 1/2 days and Bry had Cade the whole time and lets just say it was ROUGH! Cade is probably entering the "terrible 2's" early, it just depends on the week. Lucky for Bry it happened to be Cades ON week! I got home and was like, "calm down Bry I'm sure it wasn't that bad". Well, Cade proved me wrong, the next day he was a little pill! I'm sure we spent half the day in time out! Anyways, he didn't take a nap and wanted to watch any movie he could think of. I told him no movie because no nap! Well, in the truck on the way to Aunt Stephie's house he asks to watch a movie, I tell him the same answer! So he says, "Daddy, moobie?" Bry says "mom says no because you didn't take your nap". It gets quiet for a bit and Cade says "duys, I take nap" and we look back and he is pretending to be asleep! He did it the whole way to Stephs house! We laughed pretty hard, and it was nice to laugh since it was a little tense!
A few things we don't want to forget:
When Cade gives you a hug he will most likely give you a few pats on the back while he's hugging! It's so cute and melts your heart.
He tries SO hard to do everything by himself and sometimes gets SO frustrated. His dad is trying to teach him patience....we will see how it goes.
He likes to do "group hugs" with me and Bry and he thinks it's so cool. After the group hug Cade will say "doop tisses" and we all kiss at the same time. We love it!
Cute Cade Moments
May 2011
Another thing I don't want to forget about Cade is how excited he gets over things he loves. Take horses for example.....when we went to papas to go see the baby horses. We got there and he saw them and all he could say was "Oh man" or "Oh wow". The funny thing about it is that his voice gets a little shaky because of his excitement it is so dang cute. He was taking a nap at aunt marisas the other day and tanner had a mickey mouse pillow and marisa said he just kept saying "oh man, mick mouse, pillow, oh man!" It's hilarious!
He is getting good at saying his prayers. Right now he will say "Henly"
He's always the first and sometimes loudest to say AMEN in church too. We are teaching him the first Article of Faith and he's almost got it down. He's so cute and catches on to everything. I know I'm his mom, but he's a smarty pants too! I have to keep up with him or I might be in trouble one of these days!
Cute Cade Moments
Cade is 19 months now (can't believe it!) and is has been doing so many hilarious things! Just a few that have happened lately. If there are any BIG and SMALL of any item....tractors, trucks, cookies, green beans, rocks, get the idea, he will say in a scruffy, growling voice "BID ONE" and then hold up the other and say in a teensy, soft, high-pitched voice "mall one". It is so cute and funny! He has never seen Finding Nemo but has heard us say "Sharkbait hoo ra ra" and thinks he is hilarious when he says it! Along with "adios, c-ya later, bye babe, hon (honey)". And then he is SO obsessed with the movie "Spirit". Anytime we go anywhere in Bryans truck Cade expects Spirit to be playing and if its not, well he lets us know how disappointed he is with us. Anyway, the funny part about it is that I'm pretty sure he has the show memorized! Because........when there's a funny part he laughs, when it's exciting or suspensful he gasps and his eyes widen, and when there's a sad part, yep you guessed it, he does a little fake cry. To be honest though, I think he really is sad! That's how obsessed he is. He is so much fun right now!
Cute Cade Moments
Feb 2011
I don't remember the exact day when Cade started doing this, but I'm pretty sure it was in February sometime. Anyway, if you ask him a question and he wants to do whatever you're asking or likes your idea he will say "Otay" and nod his head at the same time. He also does it if he says something to you and you repeat CORRECTLY what he said. It's so cute.
Cade has this Dr. Suess book called "Mr. Brown can Moo, can You?" and he loves it because mommy makes all the sounds. He can do most of them too, there's a cow, thunder and lightning, knocking on a door...etc. Anyway the last page of the sounds is a butterfly and Mr. Brown whispers like a butterfly and I always whisper really soft right in Cade's ear when I'm reading it to him. Well, as I was making dinner tonight I could hear Cade whispering but I didn't know where he was, or what he was doing, and couldn't make out what he was saying. So I turn around and he's sitting on the floor reading that book, on the last page and whispering like a butterfly! Precious!
What a cute family!! Cade is so darling