Bryan * Tiffany * Cade * Jace

Thursday, June 28, 2012

What a day!!

 More like.....what a day, week, month!! It kind of has been a little crazy around our house lately.  To give you an idea Bryan has nick-named me "Nesting Nancy"!  Well..........there's things to be done before this baby comes.  One of which was potty training and I never followed up on that because day 3 of the 3day potty training did me in! Cade and I were both in tears! It's funny now but believe me it was/is the hardest thing I've done as a far! It doesn't help that Cade is super stubborn and wants to do everything on his own.  He had troubles with the #2's, still not a pro but happy to say that Cade is potty trained!!
 This was the next exciting thing for Cade, his new BIG BOY BED and NEW ROOM! Poor little man, so many changes but he LOVES his new room.  And he doesn't call it his room, it always is "tum in my NEW woom" and the old room is "yittle bruhders woom".  Those are his "dies" (guys) laying with him and below he is potty training "duttie".  FUNNY STORY: During one of the pooping sagas Cade would just scream and run to the toilet but then hold in his poops....about 20 times!  That's when we both started crying because it was ALL night long til about 3 or 4 in the morning.  I kept saying "you can do it Cade, give them a good push, PLEASE let your poo poos out....etc." Well, one day while Cade was potty training Ducky I walk by and he's sitting on the chair (like I did) and he's pleading with Ducky "pwease duttie, yet yo poo poos out, you tan do it.....pwease!" I was laughing so hard!
 This next "change" was a BIG one! About a month or so ago I took Cade to the Dr. because he had a swollen testicle.  It ended up being quite the visit! First of all I was running errands with my sis-in-law Steph so she just dropped us off. The Dr and nurses are usually very cheery and happy with Cade and this time were very serious.  The Dr came and checked him and then excused himself........this is where I got a little nervous.  He came back and said, I will tell you what I think it is, but I do need to tell you what it COULD be......starting to sweat!  He started with some testicle thing where it wraps around itself and he would lose his testicle.....ok..........then he said the big C word....Cancer! Yep I totally blanked out at that point! NO WAY! I don't remember what he said after that....but when I did come back to reality he told us what he thought it was, which was a Hydra-seal with a possible hernia.  So, Steph came and got us and off to the hospital we went for an ultrasound and sure enough that's what it was! HOORAY!! Usually they go away on their own or eventually need surgery but nothing emergency.  Next step, see the Urologist.  He found a hernia and suggested surgery, but wasn't urgent.  We decided I would probably be able to take better care of Cade BEFORE the baby than that is what we did TODAY!
These pictures are actually post surgery, Bryan has the pre-surgery pics on his phone.  He did SO good! He had a few moments before the surgery where he kept saying, "I gotta go....I gotta go to the farm and get some bug juice" (frequent outing with dad)  They finally gave him a "calming" medicine and BOY! when that baby kicked in EVERYONE got a good laugh! He was a little LOOPY!! But, it did the job because when the nurses wheeled him away, pretending to go for a race car drive, he didn't even realize that Bry and I weren't with him! That made it much easier for me :)!
 Now, post surgery was a different story! We could hear him screaming down the hall! Between waking up and not knowing anyone, ripping out his IV, and the anesthetic wearing off....he was NOT a happy camper!  It took about 20-30 minutes to wear off then he was OUT! Bry had to go to work for a bit so I crawled into bed with him and we took a good 2 hour nap!
 When he woke up from that he was back to my sweet and sassy CADE! We ate crackers, had juice, watched movies, got a new teddy friend, and stole all the nurses hearts! He really did better than I had expected and I did too!
 I'm so grateful to Bryan for being such an amazing DAD! He blesses our family so much and Cade wanted DAD anytime he was there! He helps me to not freak out and make situations worse and I was very grateful for that today!
 This was what the rest of the day consisted of....NAPS! He was still a little out of it most the day, but was so cute and would try to get up and play.  I can't believe Cade is almost 3! He is such a good boy and HUGE blessing in our lives!
 We hit Ross Park yesterday actually.  I told my mom I wanted Cade to have a fun day before his surgery day.  It was tough to make it fun because he was SUPER whiney but I chanted to myself all day "I'm a good mom, we WILL have fun!"  And he did! One day he will appreciate that I was 38 weeks pregnant! :)
 If anything, me and my mom got some good laughs!
Thanks to all of our family and friends for their thoughts and prayers for Cade! 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Potty Training!!

It is VERY true! I am due in 5 weeks and one of my goals was to have Cade potty trained before the baby came.  I actually had given up on it because since he was 2, he wanted NOTHING to do with the potty! Anything and everything I tried didn't work.  Then I remembered this book one of my friends found online called "3day potty training" and it worked for her, so I bought it, read it, picked a weekend, prepped and here we are! Bryan is in Alaska so that helps because both me and Cade have NO distractions! These pictures are just from my phone I have more on my camera and they downloaded backwards, but oh well! I love the picture above because he looks so cute in his undies and his face with tongue out is classic!

 Day ONE went well! He probably thought I had lost my mind because I kept offering him snacks and juice all day! Ha! Jokes on him! :) He had 7 accidents (I think) and at least 12 successful potties! He would say, "potty.....RUN!" and we would make a break for the toilet!
 The first day he didn't really care for any "prizes". I offered them to him, but he wanted to just get back to what we were doing.  The 2nd day he finally pooped in the potty and I gave him this bubble thing........LOVED IT! Went potty again to get more bubbles! The first night was actually not bad either, no accidents through the night.  He wouldn't have had one the next morning if I would've been on the ball.....(not much of a morning person)
 The 2nd day was awesome! Only 3 accidents and I lost track of successes! He will be so sad on Monday when mean ol mom is back and won't let him drink bottomless water bottles of juice! It's actually been an OK experience, not as awful as I was preparing for. In fact he didn't take his nap both days, and dealing with the results of that was way worse than the potty training!
Over the last 2 days we have not left the house, changed out of PJ's, played LOTS of games on IPOD, played pretend, candyland, abc cards, play-doh, farm, trains, get the idea :), watched Mickey Mouse, LIttle Einsteins and Spirit many times and just LOVED on each other! I know the hormones from the pregnancy don't help, but I just love being Cade's mom and get emotional and proud every day that I get to be with him. Wish us luck tomorrow.............