Oh boy I am already failing at one of my main goals this year.....organize photos and stay up on blog! LOL! As you can see it's not really happening for me. Anyway...It's been a good year for us so far and our two boys are just growing like crazy! Cade is just hilarious and wild and crazy and ALL boy! He definitely keeps us on our toes....something I don't think he will outgrow. :) He is 3 1/2 and just too smart for his own good and too independent for his moms good. I have a few funny stories that might sum up Cade's fun personality, quick thinking and whit:
We live on 10 acres and have ditches all around us so we really try to stress the danger of the ditch and Cade is suppose to answer mom and dad when we call his name the FIRST time. Doesn't always happen and I try to test him quite often just knowing that he would like to figure out how dangerous they really are for himself. One day he was out front playing and I went inside to put Jace down in his crib and I came back out and couldn't see him....
ME: Cade! Please answer mommy......CADE! Answer mommy!.........CADE!!!!!!!!
He never answers but I can hear the rocks shuffling behind Bryans truck so I walk over there...a little upset....
ME: Cade! why didn't you answer mommy?
CADE: Mom....I've got some bad news!
ME: (trying not to laugh or even smile) What is the bad news?
CADE: A bear just hit me in the face....and now I don't feel very good
ME: Sorry that a bear hit you but you still need to answer mommy!!
Lately Cade is really into announcing/introducing games or activities..."Ladies and Gentlemen...Please welcome....." He's gotten it off of one of his little shows Bubble Guppies. Another bit that'll help this story is when I ask him to go get me something (diaper, wipes, kleenex...) I try to describe the object like "can you get me the wipes in the purple and white package"...
I couldn't get him to pick up his toys so I started to announce it....
ME: Ladies and Gentlemen, now presenting CADE Sargent....the fastest toy picker upper ever...I don't know folks, do you think he can do it?
Needless to say we finally got the toys picked up. Later that day we were outside cleaning up the yard and cleaning out daddy's truck and Cade was in the back of the truck and said....
CADE: Hey mom, I got an idea....it's a good one. How about you go get me....it's blue and it's white....guess what it is...
ME: I don't know Cade
CADE: (hands in the air and very enthusiastic) It's my puppy!! It's up in my room
ME: Cade, mommy needs to finish cleaning out the truck before Jace wakes up
CADE: (his L's are pronounced like Y's) YADIES and GENTLEMEN.... Now presenting... MOMMY SARGENT!! On your marks....get set....go....
Well! I HAD to go get the puppy now! It was way too cute!
He loves to listen to stories and it is so cute when he tries to tell stories. His voice gets a little softer and lower and he hunches over..."once upon a time..." and my favorite is "and then" when he gets to the good part of the story. Also lately he's really been into surprising us with silly things, especially Jace. "Hold on guys, I've got a surprise....it's a really good one....you're going to love it...." and then he usually brings Jace a toy or book or something like that.
Cade is definitely a handful and there are hard days that's for sure, but I love him SO much! He is all the things I have mentioned but he's also kind, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, funny, creative, smart, CUTE!
Jace is almost 10 months!! WHAT!!!?? That's impossible I think! But it is very true! He is so stinking cute I can't stand it! He is such a smiley, happy baby....but don't let him fool ya! He's got a little attitude in there....He's getting a little feisty lately and it's hilarious on one hand, but not so funny on the other. He's been crawling for a couple months now and is getting more brave with the walking stuff. He will pull himself up on EVERYTHING and sometimes let go and stand for a bit and is also getting really good at squats. He's different from Cade in the sense of getting in to everything. Cade was definitely an explorer but he moved on...if Jace likes something, or wants to put something in his mouth he doesn't get distracted easily! He stays focused until he reaches it or it is in his mouth!
He has this little growl he does, I'm sure he learned from his older brother. If you growl at him he will most likely growl right back at you. He is a natural when it comes to making boy noises....vroom vroom-ing cars and pushing them around like he totally knows how to drive cars....roaring like lions, bears, dinosaurs....whatever big brother is roaring with....and a nice, lovely scream. :) He also does this little nose scrunch thing and it's the cutest thing ever! He will scrunch his nose and slightly open his mouth if he is disgusting with anything! Big Brother gets that look a lot! He also does this clicking thing with his pointer finger and his thumb. It's pretty cute.
When Jace gets excited his whole face lights up especially his eyes. And his little legs just get kicking and he can't stand it! It's the cutest thing when I'm talking to Bryan on the phone and Jace can hear his voice he tries to grab the phone and starts jabbering. Then when Bryan gets home from work Jace makes a dash for him. It's so cute! Jace seems a little more mellow than Cade, but like I said he's got a fiery side to him....we will see how that pans out!
Jace has been such a blessing to our family and has brought lots of joy to our home! He is just growing and developing perfectly and we are so blessed to have these amazing, wonderful boys in our family!
Here are some random pictures from the last couple months...
Yep! It's a tampon! Hey, whatever it takes sometimes!!
Cade loves to read and for Christmas my mom got all the grand-kids a subscription to the Highlights magazine...so every month in the mail he gets a new one and he says "is it MY magazine"
Cade is a really great helper around the house and I think I've created a monster because he loves to help me clean!
I try to do some kind of "learning" activity with Cade at least once a week and that includes working on letters :) That is a bee...in the shape of the letter B
He's always climbing and pretending and making up games and just being a boy!
Ok so this picture is hilarious because I've been letting Cade pick his own clothes and dress himself...Grandma and Grandpa Sargent brought this shirt home from Hawaii for Cade and he loves it! If I let him he would probably pick it everyday! One day he had on his Hawaiian shirt, these really baggy khaki pants and his army watering boots....we will work on his sense of style.
Oh my heavens this is Jace almost 7 months! He's a chubs!
Our letter A activity
JACE! He's so smiley!
Look at those big brown eyes!
St. Patrick's Day
Joke in Bryan's family....THE outfit!
As soon as it got even a little nice outside we were there!!! A little cooped up this year!!
Too cute!
Costco had these huge bunny cookies....we had to get them and make them :)
Trying to keep the winter interesting...swimming at the hotels. Jace wasn't too sure at first and I can't get Cade out!
I want to do a different post for Easter because there are more pictures and I still need to get some of Jace in his little suit...he was sick on Easter! :(
Just like last year Cade wasn't too into quantity as he was quality! He wanted what was inside the eggs!
Dad is a good sport :)
Stop! Just too cute....again!
Cade LOVES his dad!!! And LOVES to help! It's so cute he will go and get his tools and digs in!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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