...........and don't feel naked anymore! I got my camera back and I'm back in action but had to laugh at myself because after I downloaded some new pictures, I realized I still had some I need to catch up on! Oh well! This summer has been fun and busy! I tried my best to be active and get Cade involved in as many "activities" as I could, and we still have some to go! Caders LOVES to be outside! As long as theres horses, Jack, Puddy, dirt, WATER, rocks, climbing, grass, did I say horses?, Zoom Zoom, and any other typical boy-thing count Cade IN! Cade is almost 2 (in september) and I can honestly say I've loved every moment! Sure there are hard times but the good definetly outshine them! This little man makes us laugh and we love him SO much! He is such a special blessing in our lives and I feel lucky to be his MOM!