Bryan * Tiffany * Cade * Jace

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Oh man I'm sooooooooo behind with blogging its ridiculous! I have a lot to catch up on, Cade, Vacation and our KITCHEN! We have been remodeling our kitchen since after Christmas and there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel here! I can't wait to post before and after pics, for now here's a little taste of sunshine and relaxation to get us all by.


  1. Those are pretty pictures! I am jealous! I want a tan and peeling skin, and a vacation and a new kitchen, and new carpet...ect!

  2. I love those vacation pics! I want to see pics of the kitchen! So, the waxing story is hilarious! Reminds me of my senior year when I ripped out half of my eyebrow and eyelashes!
